Poster of Lolo and the Kid

Lolo and the Kid

Plot: A hustler and the child he took in routinely con the wealthy — but a life-changing opportunity could end their inseparable bond.
Release Date: Wednesday, August 7 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Euwenn MikaellEuwenn MikaellEuwenn Mikaell was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Kid'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joel TorreJoel TorreJoel Torre was 63 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Lolo'.
Birthday: Mon, Jun 19 1961
Portrait of Juan Karlos LabajoJuan Karlos LabajoJuan Karlos Labajo was 23 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Old Kid'.
Birthday: Mon, Feb 05 2001
Portrait of Iza CalzadoIza CalzadoIza Calzado was 41 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Sandra'.
Birthday: Thu, Aug 12 1982
Portrait of Meryll SorianoMeryll SorianoMeryll Soriano was 41 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Gemma'.
Birthday: Thu, Dec 09 1982
Portrait of Joem BasconJoem BasconJoem Bascon was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Allan'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nico AntonioNico AntonioNico Antonio was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'John'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Markki StroemMarkki StroemMarkki Stroem was 37 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Norman'.
Birthday: Sat, Mar 21 1987
Portrait of Shaina MagdayaoShaina MagdayaoShaina Magdayao was 34 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Irma'.
Birthday: Mon, Nov 06 1989
Portrait of Alfred VargasAlfred VargasAlfred Vargas was 42 in Lolo and the Kid as 'Joel'.
Birthday: Sat, Oct 24 1981
Portrait of Leila AngLeila AngLeila Ang was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Larra'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David MinemotoDavid MinemotoDavid Minemoto was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Taba'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nikko Paulo GamboaNikko Paulo GamboaNikko Paulo Gamboa was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Driver'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lorie CastilloLorie CastilloLorie Castillo was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Maid'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gel GadonGel GadonGel Gadon was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Neighbor'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark Anthony AbellanaMark Anthony AbellanaMark Anthony Abellana was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Dad'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gaye AngelesGaye AngelesGaye Angeles was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Mom'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aiden PatduAiden PatduAiden Patdu was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Kid 1'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Terence VillanuevaTerence VillanuevaTerence Villanueva was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Kid 2 / Double Euwenn'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shania Vonzel ObenaShania Vonzel ObenaShania Vonzel Obena was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Ate'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Juvie Anne CastresJuvie Anne CastresJuvie Anne Castres was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Maid'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ryan HossamRyan HossamRyan Hossam was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Baby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chris Liam ZitaChris Liam ZitaChris Liam Zita was >> in Lolo and the Kid as '2 yr old Baby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of April RoseApril RoseApril Rose was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Asst. Tindera'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mariel PimentelMariel PimentelMariel Pimentel was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Asst. Tindera'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lovelyn RobianLovelyn RobianLovelyn Robian was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Celyn MartinCelyn MartinCelyn Martin was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jowel GutierrezJowel GutierrezJowel Gutierrez was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chin FormenteraChin FormenteraChin Formentera was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jan RailyJan RailyJan Raily was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mervin MondidoMervin MondidoMervin Mondido was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jay EntrinaJay EntrinaJay Entrina was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Erica ZernaErica ZernaErica Zerna was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christine VillaresChristine VillaresChristine Villares was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emerita CaneteEmerita CaneteEmerita Canete was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joshua CaneteJoshua CaneteJoshua Canete was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aaron PaulAaron PaulAaron Paul was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jesusa PartolotJesusa PartolotJesusa Partolot was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Charles Adrian PaticotCharles Adrian PaticotCharles Adrian Paticot was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ash Sean LeeAsh Sean LeeAsh Sean Lee was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John Bryan TantiadoJohn Bryan TantiadoJohn Bryan Tantiado was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Adrian YumangAdrian YumangAdrian Yumang was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vincent MembreveVincent MembreveVincent Membreve was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Renz OhRenz OhRenz Oh was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Naspher PatuloyNaspher PatuloyNaspher Patuloy was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rain Justin AbelloRain Justin AbelloRain Justin Abello was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ashley GarciaAshley GarciaAshley Garcia was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jenelyn Gasta MembreveJenelyn Gasta MembreveJenelyn Gasta Membreve was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jamaica CatubigJamaica CatubigJamaica Catubig was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jenny SincoJenny SincoJenny Sinco was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gian Manuel GuzmanGian Manuel GuzmanGian Manuel Guzman was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jem DiamosJem DiamosJem Diamos was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gleanne GabriellaGleanne GabriellaGleanne Gabriella was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Brian DecenaBrian DecenaBrian Decena was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Karenina Dela Cruz SualKarenina Dela Cruz SualKarenina Dela Cruz Sual was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Flordejohn CranionFlordejohn CranionFlordejohn Cranion was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elizar Jose Soria IIElizar Jose Soria IIElizar Jose Soria II was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bonita HallasgoBonita HallasgoBonita Hallasgo was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chuchie RegaladoChuchie RegaladoChuchie Regalado was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melchor LoterteMelchor LoterteMelchor Loterte was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Amer Dy CaparalAmer Dy CaparalAmer Dy Caparal was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raven Jesus QuimsonRaven Jesus QuimsonRaven Jesus Quimson was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eduard DatuEduard DatuEduard Datu was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rajah Q DiRajah Q DiRajah Q Di was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ying YueYing YueYing Yue was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Wheng VelascoWheng VelascoWheng Velasco was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alexander TanAlexander TanAlexander Tan was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jewel Reign SolanoJewel Reign SolanoJewel Reign Solano was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aleisha Jean HunwickAleisha Jean HunwickAleisha Jean Hunwick was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andee Marih SeduranteAndee Marih SeduranteAndee Marih Sedurante was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aiden PatduAiden PatduAiden Patdu was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Priya SinghPriya SinghPriya Singh was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kathryn TanKathryn TanKathryn Tan was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Codie EstradaCodie EstradaCodie Estrada was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dave FontamillasDave FontamillasDave Fontamillas was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kerf Ernest EscalonaKerf Ernest EscalonaKerf Ernest Escalona was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Princess Ashlie BesinPrincess Ashlie BesinPrincess Ashlie Besin was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Terence VillanuevaTerence VillanuevaTerence Villanueva was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Passerby / Park Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Minie QuimsonMinie QuimsonMinie Quimson was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Maid'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melinda FabelaMelinda FabelaMelinda Fabela was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ma Theresa AngelesMa Theresa AngelesMa Theresa Angeles was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rex Anthony DimagibaRex Anthony DimagibaRex Anthony Dimagiba was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raven Jesus QuimsonRaven Jesus QuimsonRaven Jesus Quimson was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Amer Dy CaparalAmer Dy CaparalAmer Dy Caparal was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eduard DatuEduard DatuEduard Datu was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Wheng VelascoWheng VelascoWheng Velasco was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Hospital Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Trisha BautistaTrisha BautistaTrisha Bautista was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Veronica GuarinVeronica GuarinVeronica Guarin was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ericka EspirituEricka EspirituEricka Espiritu was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fiona FrankFiona FrankFiona Frank was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kireze DannaKireze DannaKireze Danna was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Khurt VarguezKhurt VarguezKhurt Varguez was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rafael MinaRafael MinaRafael Mina was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aldrei BaccayAldrei BaccayAldrei Baccay was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Beach Goer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rolly MoralesRolly MoralesRolly Morales was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Abegail CabotejaAbegail CabotejaAbegail Caboteja was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mecah Ella BayabayMecah Ella BayabayMecah Ella Bayabay was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Loreta MelgarLoreta MelgarLoreta Melgar was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Teresita CastilloTeresita CastilloTeresita Castillo was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maricel PeridaMaricel PeridaMaricel Perida was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lyka CasajeLyka CasajeLyka Casaje was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mario CasajeMario CasajeMario Casaje was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Catherine GacuteCatherine GacuteCatherine Gacute was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Renemar AntepasadoRenemar AntepasadoRenemar Antepasado was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christian Lloyd GinoChristian Lloyd GinoChristian Lloyd Gino was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kent GinoKent GinoKent Gino was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mirz SantosMirz SantosMirz Santos was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bento DojedaBento DojedaBento Dojeda was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Melinda FabelaMelinda FabelaMelinda Fabela was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrea Mikaela EspanilloAndrea Mikaela EspanilloAndrea Mikaela Espanillo was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alyana NavarroAlyana NavarroAlyana Navarro was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rosemarie PadillaRosemarie PadillaRosemarie Padilla was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tristine BarbaTristine BarbaTristine Barba was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nicole Dela CruzNicole Dela CruzNicole Dela Cruz was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Princess Ann SabandalPrincess Ann SabandalPrincess Ann Sabandal was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jeneleah MapaJeneleah MapaJeneleah Mapa was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark Joven DoteMark Joven DoteMark Joven Dote was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Russel AperinRussel AperinRussel Aperin was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Santino OngSantino OngSantino Ong was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jhon SalesJhon SalesJhon Sales was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Prince AlexanderPrince AlexanderPrince Alexander was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pare BarbaPare BarbaPare Barba was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ian AnocheIan AnocheIan Anoche was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Irish Diana DabalosIrish Diana DabalosIrish Diana Dabalos was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Student / Faculty / Parents / Bday Party'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daisy CalixterioDaisy CalixterioDaisy Calixterio was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John Mattew RodriguezJohn Mattew RodriguezJohn Mattew Rodriguez was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Olga PinuliarOlga PinuliarOlga Pinuliar was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Felix SabateFelix SabateFelix Sabate was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Angelo Patrick RamosAngelo Patrick RamosAngelo Patrick Ramos was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Larra LauroLarra LauroLarra Lauro was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lorie CastilloLorie CastilloLorie Castillo was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Juvie Anne CastresJuvie Anne CastresJuvie Anne Castres was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gel GadonGel GadonGel Gadon was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joel BantesJoel BantesJoel Bantes was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isagani JonesIsagani JonesIsagani Jones was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Quiapo and Arcade Crowd / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rafael MinaRafael MinaRafael Mina was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Doctor'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arthur MarquezArthur MarquezArthur Marquez was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Old Patient'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Godo BuencaminoGodo BuencaminoGodo Buencamino was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Old Patient'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mauro EnsencioMauro EnsencioMauro Ensencio was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Old Patient'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mirasol MoraMirasol MoraMirasol Mora was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Old Patient'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vanny FabellaVanny FabellaVanny Fabella was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Old Patient'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Wolfy PerezWolfy PerezWolfy Perez was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nicole Audrey CoNicole Audrey CoNicole Audrey Co was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shania Vonzel ObenaShania Vonzel ObenaShania Vonzel Obena was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kenneth PaulKenneth PaulKenneth Paul was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raven AquinoRaven AquinoRaven Aquino was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shania Adelian SalasShania Adelian SalasShania Adelian Salas was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Justine DelimaJustine DelimaJustine Delima was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jose MedinaJose MedinaJose Medina was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nikolai LantanoNikolai LantanoNikolai Lantano was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Nurse / Passerby'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Raven AquinoRaven AquinoRaven Aquino was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Videoke Staff'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Benedict MiqueBenedict MiqueBenedict Mique was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Director, Executive Producer, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark Joseph CosicoMark Joseph CosicoMark Joseph Cosico was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roselle LorenzoRoselle LorenzoRoselle Lorenzo was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Supervising Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Noah TongaNoah TongaNoah Tonga was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isha AbubakarIsha AbubakarIsha Abubakar was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marxie Maolen FadulMarxie Maolen FadulMarxie Maolen Fadul was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pietro Marco JavierPietro Marco JavierPietro Marco Javier was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Sound Engineer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anezka SeroAnezka SeroAnezka Sero was >> in Lolo and the Kid as 'Dialect Coach'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday