Poster of Bimi Shu Ikaya

Bimi Shu Ikaya

Plot: Bimi became the first Huni Kuin women to organize her own village, an activity once exclusive to men. In her life's trajectory, due to her strong and determined personality, she faced a series of hardships, especially due to the hierarchy and traditions of the Huni Kuin people, an essentially patriarchal society, resulting in the organization of a new village in which she develops many roles, including that of Shaman Healer, keeper of many ancestral knowledges of the Huni Kuin people
Release Date: Wednesday, November 21 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Isaka Huni KuinIsaka Huni KuinIsaka Huni Kuin was >> in Bimi Shu Ikaya as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday