Poster of Mãe Fátima

Mãe Fátima

Plot: This documentary follows a 70 years old, Angolan nurse on a nearly impossible humanitarian mission into her home country. In a southern region that was specially affected by the long lasting, recent civil war, the local hospital has to be restructured
Release Date: Saturday, October 17 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Christine ReehChristine Reeh
Christine Reeh was
>> in Mãe Fátima
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Inês CarvalhoInês Carvalho
Inês Carvalho was
38 in Mãe Fátima
as 'Director of Photography'
Sat, Jan 23 1971
Portrait of Joana FerreiraJoana Ferreira
Joana Ferreira was
>> in Mãe Fátima
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isabel MachadoIsabel Machado
Isabel Machado was
>> in Mãe Fátima
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patrícia SaramagoPatrícia Saramago
Patrícia Saramago was
>> in Mãe Fátima
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday