Poster of Continuity


Plot: Continuity begins as a straight-forward story of an emotional homecoming and turns uncanny as the two protagonists – a middle aged couple living in a small town in Germany – repeatedly invite different young men into their home to perform an inscrutable ritual. This is a remake of Continuity (2012) by the same director, expanding on the original idea
Release Date: Sunday, February 14 2016
8 years ago
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Portrait of André HennickeAndré Hennicke
André Hennicke was
56 in Continuity
as 'Torsten Fiedler'.
Mon, Sep 21 1959
Portrait of Iris BöhmIris Böhm
Iris Böhm was
48 in Continuity
as 'Katja Fiedler'.
Sun, May 28 1967


Portrait of Omer FastOmer Fast
Omer Fast was
>> in Continuity
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sarah HandelmannSarah Handelmann
Sarah Handelmann was
>> in Continuity
as 'Camera Operator'
Unknown Birthday –
Sun, Apr 07 2019