Poster of Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Plot: There is an abandoned little town in the middle of nowhere in Russia - only two lonely old men and recently widowed lady living there. One of the men decides to put an end to his loneliness and offer his hand to the widow
Release Date: Sunday, August 6 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Fyodor DobronravovFyodor DobronravovFyodor Dobronravov was 55 in Once Upon a Time as 'Гриша'.
Birthday: Mon, Sep 11 1961
Portrait of Irina RozanovaIrina RozanovaIrina Rozanova was 56 in Once Upon a Time as 'Татьяна Лопарёва'.
Birthday: Sat, Jul 22 1961
Portrait of Roman MadyanovRoman MadyanovRoman Madyanov was 55 in Once Upon a Time as 'Лёха'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 22 1962 –
Wed, Sep 25 2024
Portrait of Vladimir KarpovVladimir KarpovVladimir Karpov was 34 in Once Upon a Time as 'Виталик (зять Лёхи)'.
Birthday: Sat, Mar 19 1983
Portrait of Vladimir KapustinVladimir KapustinVladimir Kapustin was 46 in Once Upon a Time as 'Витя (брат Гриши)'.
Birthday: Tue, Mar 16 1971
Portrait of Viktor SuprunViktor SuprunViktor Suprun was 52 in Once Upon a Time as 'Саня (муж Татьяны)'.
Birthday: Tue, Dec 22 1964
Portrait of Albina EvtushevskayaAlbina EvtushevskayaAlbina Evtushevskaya was 75 in Once Upon a Time as 'баба Маруся (нет в титрах)'.
Birthday: Thu, Jul 02 1942
Portrait of Alexey VedernikovAlexey VedernikovAlexey Vedernikov was 31 in Once Upon a Time as 'Коля (водитель автолавки)'.
Birthday: Sun, Feb 02 1986


Portrait of Eduard ParriEduard ParriEduard Parri was 43 in Once Upon a Time as 'Director'
Birthday: Thu, Sep 06 1973
Portrait of Mariya SolovyovaMariya SolovyovaMariya Solovyova was 51 in Once Upon a Time as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Mon, Jul 11 1966
Portrait of Alexey BorodachevAlexey BorodachevAlexey Borodachev was 40 in Once Upon a Time as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Sun, Aug 15 1976
Portrait of Fyodor DobronravovFyodor DobronravovFyodor Dobronravov was 55 in Once Upon a Time as 'Producer'
Birthday: Mon, Sep 11 1961
Portrait of Ekaterina SarychevaEkaterina SarychevaEkaterina Sarycheva was 50 in Once Upon a Time as 'Producer'
Birthday: Thu, Feb 16 1967
Portrait of Irina PavlovaIrina PavlovaIrina Pavlova was 63 in Once Upon a Time as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Sat, Jun 05 1954
Portrait of Leonid AgutinLeonid AgutinLeonid Agutin was 49 in Once Upon a Time as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Tue, Jul 16 1968
Portrait of Fyodor SavelyevFyodor SavelyevFyodor Savelyev was >> in Once Upon a Time as 'Production Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday