Poster of Arrival of the Train

Arrival of the Train

Plot: The painting is about the metaphysical "train of Russian history" that departed from the tsarist era, went through revolutionary cataclysms, three wars, the times of Stalinism and the "thaw" and finally arrived on the platform of our time. It is a platform of wild primordial capitalism, and its geographic location is the Russian-Chinese border
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 1994
30 years ago
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Portrait of Igor IvanovIgor IvanovIgor Ivanov was >> in Arrival of the Train
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Andrey ZheleznyakovAndrey ZheleznyakovAndrey Zheleznyakov was 31 in Arrival of the Train as 'Writer, Director'
Birthday: Thu, Jul 18 1963
Portrait of Andrey ShonovAndrey ShonovAndrey Shonov was >> in Arrival of the Train as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yuri EmolinYuri EmolinYuri Emolin was >> in Arrival of the Train as 'Cinematography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday