Poster of The Extraordinary Pursuer

The Extraordinary Pursuer

Plot: The film tells the story of Wu Xiaoyue, a kung fu girl who travels to Tokyo to pursue the dream of a girl group, but accidentally encounters evil extraterrestrial creatures and plagues the earth. In order to protect justice and the stability of the human world, she joins forces with Onmyoji Hisou and the rookie policeman Fujima
Release Date: Sunday, February 7 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Ma JianyueMa Jianyue
Ma Jianyue was
25 in The Extraordinary Pursuer
as 'Wu Xiaoyue'.
Thu, Jan 25 1996
Portrait of Hu NinglinHu Ninglin
Hu Ninglin was
38 in The Extraordinary Pursuer
as 'Fujima'.
Tue, Nov 02 1982
Portrait of Kohei MurakamiKohei Murakami
Kohei Murakami was
44 in The Extraordinary Pursuer
as 'Oda'.
Tue, Jun 01 1976
Portrait of Gongde NishikawaGongde Nishikawa
Gongde Nishikawa was
>> in The Extraordinary Pursuer
as 'Kujo'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Yin BoYin Bo
Yin Bo was
35 in The Extraordinary Pursuer
as 'Director'
Tue, Aug 20 1985