Poster of 1940-41: Greece, the First Victory

1940-41: Greece, the First Victory

Plot: This major Documentary reveals the true story of the first victory of the Allies over the Axis powers. It is the Victory at the Battle of Greece! The Documentary portrays the tenacity of the Greek soldiers during WW2, which forced Hitler to disperse his forces in a manner unfavorable to his strategic objectives
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2001
24 years ago
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Portrait of Hristos SimardanisHristos SimardanisHristos Simardanis was 43 in 1940-41: Greece, the First Victory as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 21 1957 –
Mon, Mar 12 2018


Portrait of George LouizosGeorge LouizosGeorge Louizos was >> in 1940-41: Greece, the First Victory as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday