Poster of Nocturnes


Plot: In this poetic story, set in the late 1950s, the life of a small boy is influenced by historical events, ranging from the exploration of space to the Algerian War. His father is drafted and the boy’s cozy home changes into the cold walls of a barracks flat
Release Date: Sunday, October 15 2006
18 years ago
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Portrait of Quentin TestasQuentin Testas
Quentin Testas was
>> in Nocturnes
as 'L'aîné'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zacharie OlivetZacharie Olivet
Zacharie Olivet was
>> in Nocturnes
as 'Le cadet'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sarah GrappinSarah Grappin
Sarah Grappin was
28 in Nocturnes
as 'La mère'.
Fri, Aug 11 1978
Portrait of Miquel García BordaMiquel García Borda
Miquel García Borda was
>> in Nocturnes
as 'Le père'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Henry ColomerHenry Colomer
Henry Colomer was
>> in Nocturnes
as 'Producer, Director'
Unknown Birthday