Poster of Kandinsky


Plot: The Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky claimed, or has been credited with, the 'creation' of abstract art. At the core of this film is a dramatic recreation of Kandinsky's account of returning to his studio one dark evening, and being astonished by an unknown masterpiece of abstract art leaning against the easel - a picture which turned out to be one of his own landscapes fallen on its side
Release Date: Tuesday, January 1 1957
68 years ago
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Portrait of Susanne CarwinSusanne CarwinSusanne Carwin was >> in Kandinsky as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Heinz-Günther ZeissHeinz-Günther ZeissHeinz-Günther Zeiss was >> in Kandinsky as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Susanne CarwinSusanne CarwinSusanne Carwin was >> in Kandinsky as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Winfried ZilligWinfried ZilligWinfried Zillig was 51 in Kandinsky as 'Music'
Birthday: Sat, Apr 01 1905 –
Wed, Dec 18 1963
Portrait of Heinz SchnackertzHeinz SchnackertzHeinz Schnackertz was 45 in Kandinsky as 'Camera Operator'
Birthday: Fri, May 12 1911 –
Thu, Mar 01 1990