Poster of Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später

Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später

Plot: About a journalist and his cameraman visiting East Germany, former GDR, 25 years later again after their journey which took place in January 1990, just between the Fall of the Wall and the reunification with West Germany, comparing the old pictures with the present of 2015 and meeting former interview partners a second time. An impressive work of time documentary showing seemingly surreal scenes about the changings of cities, industrial locations and lifes in different political and economical systems
Release Date: Thursday, October 22 2015
9 years ago
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Portrait of Wolfgang EttlichWolfgang EttlichWolfgang Ettlich was 68 in Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später as 'Producer, Director'
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1947
Portrait of Hans Albrecht LusznatHans Albrecht LusznatHans Albrecht Lusznat was 60 in Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Sat, Jan 22 1955
Portrait of Monika AbspacherMonika AbspacherMonika Abspacher was >> in Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zoltan RavaszZoltan RavaszZoltan Ravasz was >> in Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday