Poster of Predators of the Wild: Bats

Predators of the Wild: Bats

Plot: Fascinating footage of swooping bats, their remarkable habits and habitats, and close-up looks at their interesting yet eerie faces are featured in this documentary, volume seven of the Predators of the Wild series. Most bats eat insects, which may not always come to mind when one thinks of predators and prey -- although the fact that a swarm of bats can eat 30,000 pounds of insects in one night is staggering
Release Date: Tuesday, January 1 1991
34 years ago
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Portrait of William HootkinsWilliam HootkinsWilliam Hootkins was 42 in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Mon, Jul 05 1948 –
Sun, Oct 23 2005


Portrait of G. Dieter PlageG. Dieter PlageG. Dieter Plage was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mary PlageMary PlageMary Plage was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mike LinleyMike LinleyMike Linley was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Producer, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Geoffrey DanielsGeoffrey DanielsGeoffrey Daniels was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Supervising Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Graham CreelmanGraham CreelmanGraham Creelman was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leslie ParryLeslie ParryLeslie Parry was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guy MichelmoreGuy MichelmoreGuy Michelmore was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bridget BoelBridget BoelBridget Boel was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Executive In Charge Of Production'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Peter SchofieldPeter SchofieldPeter Schofield was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Production Controller'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alan BrayAlan BrayAlan Bray was >> in Predators of the Wild: Bats as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday