Poster of One Village, One Villager...

One Village, One Villager...

Plot: A documentary shown on Greek television in 1981, that describes the plight of Greek villages abandoned by their inhabitants. Some scenes from this film were rewritten into Voyage to Cythera
Release Date: Thursday, January 1 1981
43 years ago
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Portrait of Theo AngelopoulosTheo Angelopoulos
Theo Angelopoulos was
45 in One Village, One Villager...
as 'Director'
Sat, Apr 27 1935 –
Tue, Jan 24 2012
Portrait of Giorgos ArvanitisGiorgos Arvanitis
Giorgos Arvanitis was
39 in One Village, One Villager...
as 'Director of Photography'
Sat, Feb 22 1941
Portrait of Giorgos TriandafyllouGiorgos Triandafyllou
Giorgos Triandafyllou was
37 in One Village, One Villager...
as 'Editor'
Sat, Jan 01 1944 –
Sun, Apr 12 2009
Portrait of Thanassis ArvanitisThanassis Arvanitis
Thanassis Arvanitis was
>> in One Village, One Villager...
as 'Sound Designer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kostas ResvanisKostas Resvanis
Kostas Resvanis was
>> in One Village, One Villager...
as 'Idea'
Unknown Birthday