Poster of Brazil is thee Haiti is (t)here

Brazil is thee Haiti is (t)here

Plot: On March 16, 2020, in Brasília, an anonymous and unknown Haitian challenged the head of the nation: “Bolsonaro, it’s over. You are not president anymore
Release Date: Tuesday, September 8 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Carlos AdrianoCarlos AdrianoCarlos Adriano was >> in Brazil is thee Haiti is (t)here as 'Director, Director of Photography, Editor, Sound Designer, Sound Mixer, Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Caetano VelosoCaetano VelosoCaetano Veloso was 78 in Brazil is thee Haiti is (t)here as 'Music'
Birthday: Fri, Aug 07 1942
Portrait of Gilberto GilGilberto GilGilberto Gil was 78 in Brazil is thee Haiti is (t)here as 'Music'
Birthday: Fri, Jun 26 1942