Poster of The Vigil

The Vigil

Plot: The Vigil is a thriller film that tells the story of the relation established between two opposite characters that share an intense and strange night in today's Lima. Edgardo Chocano, a westernized Peruvian intellectual of upper class and a violent and instinctive girl of the lower class that is escaping the threat of a gang of criminals
Release Date: Thursday, October 28 2010
14 years ago
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Portrait of Gianfranco BreroGianfranco Brero
Gianfranco Brero was
57 in The Vigil
as 'Edgardo Chocano'.
Mon, Jun 15 1953
Portrait of Stephanie OrúeStephanie Orúe
Stephanie Orúe was
23 in The Vigil
as 'Jessica'.
Mon, Mar 09 1987


Portrait of Augusto Tamayo San RománAugusto Tamayo San Román
Augusto Tamayo San Román was
57 in The Vigil
as 'Screenplay, Director'
Tue, May 05 1953
Portrait of Víctor VillavicencioVíctor Villavicencio
Víctor Villavicencio was
>> in The Vigil
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday