Poster of Operation Thule

Operation Thule

Plot: A B-52 bomber crashes and burns, killing one crew member, and destroying the four weapons the bomber carried, leading to some radioactive contamination that required a cleanup operation monitored by the Danish government.
Release Date: Tuesday, February 20 2024
Released within the last year
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Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Gedeon BurkhardGedeon Burkhard
Gedeon Burkhard was
54 in Operation Thule
as 'Rudolf Krieger'.
Thu, Jul 03 1969
Portrait of Annett CulpAnnett Culp
Annett Culp was
48 in Operation Thule
as 'Fuchs'.
Fri, Aug 01 1975
Portrait of Matthias HuesMatthias Hues
Matthias Hues was
65 in Operation Thule
as 'Loki'.
Sat, Feb 14 1959
Portrait of Lara DandelionLara Dandelion
Lara Dandelion was
>> in Operation Thule
as 'Silja'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patrick SassPatrick Sass
Patrick Sass was
37 in Operation Thule
as 'Konrad Hartmann'.
Tue, Feb 10 1987
Portrait of Michael WolfschmidtMichael Wolfschmidt
Michael Wolfschmidt was
43 in Operation Thule
as 'Heinrich Himmler'.
Thu, Jan 01 1981
Portrait of Franz GnauckFranz Gnauck
Franz Gnauck was
>> in Operation Thule
as 'SS Narbengesicht'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John LudwigJohn Ludwig
John Ludwig was
>> in Operation Thule
as 'Walter Kemper'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Milana WeidmannMilana Weidmann
Milana Weidmann was
>> in Operation Thule
as 'Astrid Hansen'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Maik GießlerMaik Gießler
Maik Gießler was
>> in Operation Thule
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patrick SassPatrick Sass
Patrick Sass was
37 in Operation Thule
as 'Director, Casting'
Tue, Feb 10 1987
Portrait of Jakob HampelJakob Hampel
Jakob Hampel was
>> in Operation Thule
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday