Poster of Brave


Plot: Cébé decides to return to Haiti to finally perform a ceremony she should have performed 24 years ago, following the death of her mother, a Vodou priestess. She hopes to put an end to the misfortunes that have befallen the family
Release Date: Friday, November 19 2021
2 years ago
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Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Marie-Ange TelismaMarie-Ange Telisma
Marie-Ange Telisma was
>> in Brave
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eugénie GenestantEugénie Genestant
Eugénie Genestant was
>> in Brave
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James MichelJames Michel
James Michel was
>> in Brave
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Denis CharlotDenis Charlot
Denis Charlot was
>> in Brave
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Wilmarc ValWilmarc Val
Wilmarc Val was
>> in Brave
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Éva SehetÉva Sehet
Éva Sehet was
>> in Brave
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sophie BouteillerSophie Bouteiller
Sophie Bouteiller was
>> in Brave
as 'Assistant Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rémi VeyriéRémi Veyrié
Rémi Veyrié was
>> in Brave
as 'Production Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marie AgnelyMarie Agnely
Marie Agnely was
>> in Brave
as 'Delegated Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gaëthan ChancyGaëthan Chancy
Gaëthan Chancy was
>> in Brave
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Manon FaliseManon Falise
Manon Falise was
>> in Brave
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rosalie RevoyreRosalie Revoyre
Rosalie Revoyre was
>> in Brave
as 'Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Clément LaforceClément Laforce
Clément Laforce was
>> in Brave
as 'Sound Mixer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benjamin LaurentBenjamin Laurent
Benjamin Laurent was
>> in Brave
as 'Sound, Sound Engineer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lilla SmoluchLilla Smoluch
Lilla Smoluch was
>> in Brave
as 'Assistant Camera'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matthieu FabbriMatthieu Fabbri
Matthieu Fabbri was
>> in Brave
as 'Camera Operator'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gadiel BendelacGadiel Bendelac
Gadiel Bendelac was
>> in Brave
as 'Color Grading'
Unknown Birthday