Poster of Gabor


Plot: The first documentary feature by Joannie Lafrenière paints a tender and light-hearted portrait of her friend, the talented photographer Gabor Szilasi. Structured around a number of interviews, notably one between the filmmaker and the energetic, eloquent, insightful and inspiring man himself
Release Date: Friday, November 19 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Gabor SzilasiGabor Szilasi
Gabor Szilasi was
>> in Gabor
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joannie LafrenièreJoannie Lafrenière
Joannie Lafrenière was
>> in Gabor
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Joannie LafrenièreJoannie Lafrenière
Joannie Lafrenière was
>> in Gabor
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marc-André LabontéMarc-André Labonté
Marc-André Labonté was
>> in Gabor
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guillaume DaoustGuillaume Daoust
Guillaume Daoust was
>> in Gabor
as 'Sound Assistant'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gaëlle KomàrGaëlle Komàr
Gaëlle Komàr was
>> in Gabor
as 'Sound Assistant'
Unknown Birthday