Poster of Either/Or In Chinatown

Either/Or In Chinatown

Plot: Either/Or in Chinatown was commissioned by Video Inn and shot in part at the Western Front during Bódy’s 1984 residency. Based on Danish philosopher Søren Kierkega’s Diary of a Seducer, Either/Or in Chinatown speaks to the impossibility of choice as it follows the narrator’s through days spent in attempts to attain the love of ‘Cordelia’
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 1983
41 years ago
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Portrait of Zoltán LipicsZoltán LipicsZoltán Lipics was >> in Either/Or In Chinatown as 'Johannes'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Deborah FongDeborah FongDeborah Fong was >> in Either/Or In Chinatown as 'Cordelia'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emmett WilliamsEmmett WilliamsEmmett Williams was >> in Either/Or In Chinatown as 'Lecturer'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patrick ReadyPatrick ReadyPatrick Ready was >> in Either/Or In Chinatown as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Gábor BódyGábor BódyGábor Bódy was 37 in Either/Or In Chinatown as 'Director'
Birthday: Fri, Aug 30 1946 –
Thu, Oct 24 1985