Poster of Delenda Carthago

Delenda Carthago

Plot: Frederik had a dream : an empty city, mannequins, a stranger walking down the street with a backpack. Or is it a memory of his friend Hugues ? Hugues tells the odd story to Allison, who has heard it before and wants to know what’s in the backpack
Release Date: Wednesday, June 30 2021
3 years ago
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Portrait of Allison ChassagneAllison ChassagneAllison Chassagne was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Allison'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hugues PerrotHugues PerrotHugues Perrot was 31 in Delenda Carthago as 'Hugues'.
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1990
Portrait of Frederik BoisFrederik BoisFrederik Bois was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Frédérik'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Laura TuillierLaura TuillierLaura Tuillier was 34 in Delenda Carthago as 'Laura'.
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1987
Portrait of Nicolas PariserNicolas PariserNicolas Pariser was 46 in Delenda Carthago as 'Le producteur'.
Birthday: Sun, Sep 29 1974


Portrait of Guillaume OrignacGuillaume OrignacGuillaume Orignac was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Director, Editor, Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lazare PedronLazare PedronLazare Pedron was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nicolas DescallesNicolas DescallesNicolas Descalles was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Delegated Producer, Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Denis CougnaudDenis CougnaudDenis Cougnaud was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Delegated Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Vincent VillaVincent VillaVincent Villa was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Sound Editor, Sound Mixer, Sound Effects Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Frédérik BoisFrédérik BoisFrédérik Bois was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Special Effects'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of François MallebayFrançois MallebayFrançois Mallebay was >> in Delenda Carthago as 'Sound Engineer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday