Poster of Fermata


Plot: In a secluded cabin surrounded by untrodden snow, a man delves into his childhood memories with his father. Nothing can disrupt this moment of introspection, not even the most dangerous threat
Release Date: Friday, January 1 2020
3 years ago
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Portrait of David-Emmanuel JauniauxDavid-Emmanuel Jauniaux
David-Emmanuel Jauniaux was
>> in Fermata
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roberto MeiRoberto Mei
Roberto Mei was
>> in Fermata
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Frédéric-Antoine GuimondFrédéric-Antoine Guimond
Frédéric-Antoine Guimond was
>> in Fermata
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Benoit OuelletBenoit Ouellet
Benoit Ouellet was
>> in Fermata
as 'Director, Editor, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday