Poster of Out of Context: For Pina

Out of Context: For Pina

Plot: A piece of dance theatre conceived and choreographed by Alain Platel for his company Les Ballets C de la B (Les Ballets Contemporains de la Belgique). Platel was in the process of developing the work when he learnt of the death of the German choreographer and dancer Pina Bausch and was so moved that he offered it as a posthumous gift to Pina
Release Date: Wednesday, January 13 2010
15 years ago
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Portrait of Elie TassElie TassElie Tass was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emile JosseEmile JosseEmile Josse was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hyo Seung YeHyo Seung YeHyo Seung Ye was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kaori ItoKaori ItoKaori Ito was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mathieu Desseigne RavelMathieu Desseigne RavelMathieu Desseigne Ravel was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mélanie LomoffMélanie LomoffMélanie Lomoff was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Romeu RunaRomeu RunaRomeu Runa was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rolsalba Torres GuerreroRolsalba Torres GuerreroRolsalba Torres Guerrero was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ross Mc CormackRoss Mc CormackRoss Mc Cormack was >> in Out of Context: For Pina
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Alain PlatelAlain PlatelAlain Platel was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chris Van der BurghtChris Van der BurghtChris Van der Burght was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sara VanderieckSara VanderieckSara Vanderieck was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Assistant Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hildegard De VuystHildegard De VuystHildegard De Vuyst was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sam SerruysSam SerruysSam Serruys was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Sound Designer, Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carlo BourguignonCarlo BourguignonCarlo Bourguignon was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Lighting Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bart UyttersprotBart UyttersprotBart Uyttersprot was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Sound Engineer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dorine DemuynckDorine DemuynckDorine Demuynck was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fien YsebieFien YsebieFien Ysebie was >> in Out of Context: For Pina as 'Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday