Poster of Los Sures

Los Sures

Plot: A documentary on the inhabitants of South Williamsburg, New York, whose lives are explored through the testimony of five inhabitants of the Brooklyn neighborhood. In the late 70s and early 80s, Los Sures was one of the poorest neighborhoods in New York City
Release Date: Saturday, September 29 1984
40 years ago
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Portrait of Marta AvilésMarta Avilés
Marta Avilés was
>> in Los Sures
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Evelyn BorgesEvelyn Borges
Evelyn Borges was
>> in Los Sures
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tito LopezTito Lopez
Tito Lopez was
>> in Los Sures
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ana Maria SotoAna Maria Soto
Ana Maria Soto was
>> in Los Sures
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Cuso SotoCuso Soto
Cuso Soto was
>> in Los Sures
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Diego EcheverriaDiego Echeverria
Diego Echeverria was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark BenjaminMark Benjamin
Mark Benjamin was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alicia WeberAlicia Weber
Alicia Weber was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Diego EcheverriaDiego Echeverria
Diego Echeverria was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kathy KlineKathy Kline
Kathy Kline was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Coordinating Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fernando MorenoFernando Moreno
Fernando Moreno was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David LoxtonDavid Loxton
David Loxton was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kate TavernaKate Taverna
Kate Taverna was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ellen TolmieEllen Tolmie
Ellen Tolmie was
>> in Los Sures
as 'Production Manager'
Unknown Birthday