Poster of Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram

Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram

Plot: Inspired in the Play "Auto da Barca do Inferno" by Gil Vicente, the only Portuguese playwright recognized in the universal history of theater, the story of "When The Angel And The Devil Cooperate" talks about a bet: if the world ended, where would most of the humans end up? In Heaven? Or in Hell? On Earth, the Angel and the Devil come across with the story of a father, Parvo, who blames his daughter's death on Onzeneiro. While Parvo looks to get his revenge on Onzeneiro, this one tries to get rid of the murder charges by paying of the judge
Release Date: Friday, March 13 2009
16 years ago
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Portrait of Sandra CelasSandra CelasSandra Celas was 34 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Anjo'.
Birthday: Fri, Jan 24 1975
Portrait of Fernando FerrãoFernando FerrãoFernando Ferrão was 50 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Judeu'.
Birthday: Thu, Jan 08 1959
Portrait of André GagoAndré GagoAndré Gago was 44 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Procurador'.
Birthday: Sat, Jun 13 1964
Portrait of Luís MagalhãesLuís MagalhãesLuís Magalhães was >> in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Enforcado'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ana PadrãoAna PadrãoAna Padrão was 41 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Alcoviteira'.
Birthday: Tue, Jul 04 1967
Portrait of Filipe VargasFilipe VargasFilipe Vargas was 36 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Cavaleiro'.
Birthday: Tue, May 02 1972
Portrait of Eduardo VianaEduardo VianaEduardo Viana was 53 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Onzeneiro'.
Birthday: Tue, May 03 1955
Portrait of João Villas-BoasJoão Villas-BoasJoão Villas-Boas was 26 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Parvo'.
Birthday: Thu, Oct 21 1982
Portrait of Rui SantosRui SantosRui Santos was 31 in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Diabo'.
Birthday: Tue, Oct 11 1977


Portrait of Paula SoaresPaula SoaresPaula Soares was >> in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Cátia RodriguesCátia RodriguesCátia Rodrigues was >> in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sara OliveiraSara OliveiraSara Oliveira was >> in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Inês SirgadoInês SirgadoInês Sirgado was >> in Quando o Anjo e o Diabo Colaboram as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday