Poster of ZsaZsa Zaturnah

ZsaZsa Zaturnah

Plot: Zsazsa Zaturnnah is a red-haired curvaceous superheroine whose alter-ego, Ada, is a gay beautician from a Philippine province. Ada turns into the superheroine upon swallowing a melon-sized magical stone and shouting “Zaturnnah!” The plot of the graphic novel is laid like a parody of Darna and Vergara paid tribute to Mars Ravelo’s creation but Zsazsa Zaturnnah is a character on its own as the story deals with issues encountered by the LGBT community
Release Date: Saturday, March 19 2011
14 years ago
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Portrait of Eula ValdezEula ValdezEula Valdez was 42 in ZsaZsa Zaturnah
Birthday: Sun, Sep 29 1968
