Poster of LeGrand


Plot: In a land where nothing comes easy except for death and betrayal, one young man is faced with a decision to fight for his life or to run. Unlikely alliances will guide him through trials that will show him the true meaning of friendship, loyalty, honor and death
Release Date: Friday, May 3 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Ben ChristensenBen Christensen
Ben Christensen was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Ben LeGrand'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ethan WayneEthan Wayne
Ethan Wayne was
62 in LeGrand
as 'James LeGrand'.
Thu, Feb 22 1962
Portrait of Beau SmithBeau Smith
Beau Smith was
>> in LeGrand
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David CasillasDavid Casillas
David Casillas was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Boni'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hayden RedwineHayden Redwine
Hayden Redwine was
>> in LeGrand
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shele JesseeShele Jessee
Shele Jessee was
>> in LeGrand
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dusty GreenDusty Green
Dusty Green was
>> in LeGrand
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Cody BraunCody Braun
Cody Braun was
>> in LeGrand
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gerry GesellGerry Gesell
Gerry Gesell was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Narrator'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Ben ChristensenBen Christensen
Ben Christensen was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Director, Writer, Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Emerson SensemanEmerson Senseman
Emerson Senseman was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luke DespainLuke Despain
Luke Despain was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Sound, Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dusty SousleyDusty Sousley
Dusty Sousley was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Cinematography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Beau SmithBeau Smith
Beau Smith was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aaron BurnsAaron Burns
Aaron Burns was
>> in LeGrand
as 'Colorist'
Unknown Birthday