Poster of Shmelky


Plot: The absurdist comedy-drama is centred around a Shmelky puppet (something like a Jewish version of the Muppet Show heroes), which experiences an identity crisis traditional for comedy actors: he thinks of himself as a grand dramatic artist and doesn’t want to sing songs about Shabbat and Mitzvahs in a children’s show anymore. Instead, he wants to perform in a hideous one-man show that he wrote
Release Date: Wednesday, October 10 2018
6 years ago
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Portrait of Lior NaorLior Naor
Lior Naor was
>> in Shmelky
as 'Agent'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Esti ZakheimEsti Zakheim
Esti Zakheim was
52 in Shmelky
as 'Chana'.
Tue, Nov 16 1965
Portrait of Chaim Rothstein RothsteinChaim Rothstein Rothstein
Chaim Rothstein Rothstein was
>> in Shmelky
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dotan EladDotan Elad
Dotan Elad was
>> in Shmelky
as 'Shmelky'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Raanan RosenbaumRaanan Rosenbaum
Raanan Rosenbaum was
29 in Shmelky
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Thu, Jul 13 1989