Poster of Luther and I

Luther and I

Plot: As a nun, Katharina von Bora lives the life destined for her until she comes into contact with a completely new world of thought in the early 20s through the writings of Martin Luther. She flees with some of her co-sisters and comes without legal status, without income and rejected by her family to Wittenberg, where she meets Martin Luther personally
Release Date: Wednesday, February 22 2017
8 years ago
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Portrait of Karoline SchuchKaroline SchuchKaroline Schuch was 35 in Luther and I as 'Katharina von Bora'.
Birthday: Mon, Oct 19 1981
Portrait of Devid StriesowDevid StriesowDevid Striesow was 43 in Luther and I as 'Martin Luther'.
Birthday: Mon, Oct 01 1973
Portrait of Ludwig TrepteLudwig TrepteLudwig Trepte was 28 in Luther and I as 'Philipp Melanchthon'.
Birthday: Tue, May 17 1988
Portrait of Mala EmdeMala EmdeMala Emde was 20 in Luther and I as 'Ave von Schönfeld'.
Birthday: Mon, Apr 22 1996
Portrait of Claudia MessnerClaudia MessnerClaudia Messner was 54 in Luther and I as 'Barbara Cranach'.
Birthday: Tue, Jun 05 1962
Portrait of Martin OntropMartin OntropMartin Ontrop was 53 in Luther and I as 'Lucas Cranach'.
Birthday: Mon, Oct 28 1963
Portrait of Max MauffMax MauffMax Mauff was 29 in Luther and I as 'Franz Nussbaum'.
Birthday: Fri, Jul 03 1987
Portrait of Franz HimmelreichFranz HimmelreichFranz Himmelreich was >> in Luther and I as 'Paul Luther'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hildegard SchroedterHildegard SchroedterHildegard Schroedter was 58 in Luther and I as 'Äbtissin'.
Birthday: Tue, May 20 1958
Portrait of Carlotta von FalkenhaynCarlotta von FalkenhaynCarlotta von Falkenhayn was 10 in Luther and I as 'Margarete'.
Birthday: Mon, Jan 08 2007
Portrait of Emilia PieskeEmilia PieskeEmilia Pieske was 12 in Luther and I
Birthday: Sat, Jan 01 2005
Portrait of Louis ChristiansenLouis ChristiansenLouis Christiansen was 10 in Luther and I as 'Martin'.
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 2007
Portrait of Emil von SchönfelsEmil von SchönfelsEmil von Schönfels was 14 in Luther and I as 'Johannes'.
Birthday: Thu, Mar 07 2002
Portrait of Yves WüthrichYves WüthrichYves Wüthrich was 35 in Luther and I
Birthday: Sun, Aug 02 1981
Portrait of Heiko PinkowskiHeiko PinkowskiHeiko Pinkowski was 50 in Luther and I
Birthday: Sat, Oct 08 1966
Portrait of Shenia PitschmannShenia PitschmannShenia Pitschmann was >> in Luther and I
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Klaus StiglmeierKlaus StiglmeierKlaus Stiglmeier was 67 in Luther and I
Birthday: Sun, Jan 01 1950
Portrait of Peter TrabnerPeter TrabnerPeter Trabner was 48 in Luther and I
Birthday: Thu, Jan 23 1969
Portrait of Maximilian DiehleMaximilian DiehleMaximilian Diehle was 20 in Luther and I
Birthday: Fri, Feb 07 1997


Portrait of Julia von HeinzJulia von HeinzJulia von Heinz was 40 in Luther and I as 'Director'
Birthday: Thu, Jun 03 1976
Portrait of Daniela KnappDaniela KnappDaniela Knapp was 44 in Luther and I as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Thu, Oct 19 1972
Portrait of Christian SchnalkeChristian SchnalkeChristian Schnalke was 51 in Luther and I as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Mon, Aug 09 1965
Portrait of Marc ConradMarc ConradMarc Conrad was 56 in Luther and I as 'Producer'
Birthday: Fri, Oct 07 1960
Portrait of Ernst Ludwig GanzertErnst Ludwig GanzertErnst Ludwig Ganzert was 56 in Luther and I as 'Producer'
Birthday: Sun, Jan 01 1961
Portrait of Mario KrebsMario KrebsMario Krebs was >> in Luther and I as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lucia StaubachLucia StaubachLucia Staubach was >> in Luther and I as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Martin ChorobaMartin ChorobaMartin Choroba was >> in Luther and I as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Georg SöringGeorg SöringGeorg Söring was 46 in Luther and I as 'Editor'
Birthday: Fri, Feb 27 1970
Portrait of Gert Wilden Jr.Gert Wilden Jr.Gert Wilden Jr. was 62 in Luther and I as 'Music'
Birthday: Sun, Aug 22 1954