Poster of Com Um Monte de Beijos

Com Um Monte de Beijos

Plot: The government decides to change the way people kiss. There is a youth competiton to invent a new kind of kiss, and the final is between two groups, one from the north and one from the south of São Paulo
Release Date: Tuesday, January 1 1985
40 years ago
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Portrait of Eliana FonsecaEliana FonsecaEliana Fonseca was 23 in Com Um Monte de Beijos as 'Writer, Director'
Birthday: Fri, Feb 17 1961
Portrait of Marcelo DurstMarcelo DurstMarcelo Durst was >> in Com Um Monte de Beijos as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael RumanMichael RumanMichael Ruman was >> in Com Um Monte de Beijos as 'Writer, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maria Van der VenMaria Van der VenMaria Van der Ven was >> in Com Um Monte de Beijos as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday