Poster of Romance


Plot: The plot revolves around Tom (Ed Bowes) and his girlfriend Kathleen (Elizabeth Cannon) and what occurs when her mother and androgynous brother Tommy (Karen Achenbach) come to visit. Tom is receiving transcripts of his innermost thoughts in anonymous letters
Release Date: Thursday, January 1 1976
48 years ago
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Portrait of Ed BowesEd Bowes
Ed Bowes was
31 in Romance
as 'Tom'.
Thu, Dec 07 1944
Portrait of Karen AchenbachKaren Achenbach
Karen Achenbach was
>> in Romance
as 'Tommy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elizabeth CannonElizabeth Cannon
Elizabeth Cannon was
>> in Romance
as 'Kathleen'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Ed BowesEd Bowes
Ed Bowes was
31 in Romance
as 'Director'
Thu, Dec 07 1944