Poster of Untitled American Nightmare Sequel

Untitled American Nightmare Sequel

Plot: After winning the Royal Rumble for the second consecutive year, Cody Rhodes is on the trajectory to finish his story. Where will Cody's story take him?
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Cody RhodesCody Rhodes
Cody Rhodes may be
39+ in Untitled American Nightmare Sequel
as 'Self'.
Sun, Jun 30 1985
Portrait of Dwayne JohnsonDwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson may be
52+ in Untitled American Nightmare Sequel
as 'Self'.
Tue, May 02 1972
Portrait of Joe Anoa'iJoe Anoa'i
Joe Anoa'i may be
39+ in Untitled American Nightmare Sequel
as 'Self'.
Sat, May 25 1985
