Poster of Buon Ferragosto

Buon Ferragosto

Plot: When his father has to work on Ferragosto (Italy's national holiday) instead of going to the sea, a boy has the adventure of his lifetime in the city of Florence with an unexpected friend.
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Diego PalmieriDiego PalmieriDiego Palmieri may be >> in Buon Ferragosto as 'Jacopo Conti'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Francesca MarcheseFrancesca MarcheseFrancesca Marchese may be >> in Buon Ferragosto as 'Mother'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Claudia MiatelloClaudia MiatelloClaudia Miatello may be >> in Buon Ferragosto as 'Director, Animation, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Federico FerrandinaFederico FerrandinaFederico Ferrandina may be >> in Buon Ferragosto as 'Music Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday