Poster of Sandkings


Plot: Simon Kress, a wealthy playboy on the planet Baldur, loves to collect dangerous, exotic animals. One day, he stumbles across a mysterious establishment called Wo & Shade, where he purchases a terrarium filled with four colonies of creatures called sandkings, which grow to fill whatever environment they are kept in
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Gore VerbinskiGore VerbinskiGore Verbinski may be 60+ in Sandkings as 'Director'
Birthday: Mon, Mar 16 1964
Portrait of Dennis KellyDennis KellyDennis Kelly may be >> in Sandkings as 'Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of George R. R. MartinGeorge R. R. MartinGeorge R. R. Martin may be 76+ in Sandkings as 'Novel'
Birthday: Mon, Sep 20 1948