Poster of The Sensitives

The Sensitives

Plot: In Drew Xanthopoulos’ intimate and cinematic documentary, we meet Joe, a patriarch whose affliction is so all-encompassing that he’s indifferent to his long-suffering wife; and twin brothers Sam and Nathan, musicians who are no longer able to breathe outside of their real-life sterile “plastic bubble,” and whose mother, Karen, developed her illness when she was only 17. These characters all suffer from debilitating sensitivities to their environment
Release Date: Thursday, April 20 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of Drew XanthopoulosDrew Xanthopoulos
Drew Xanthopoulos was
>> in The Sensitives
as 'Director, Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David HartsteinDavid Hartstein
David Hartstein was
>> in The Sensitives
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David FabeloDavid Fabelo
David Fabelo was
>> in The Sensitives
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday