Poster of The Arbitrary Calculation of Pathological Amusements

The Arbitrary Calculation of Pathological Amusements

Plot: Alan Kelly, editor supreme takes you on a romp through Survival Research Laboratories weirdest show experience ever: SRL Performing "The Arbitrary Calculation of Pathological Amusements" in downtown Tokyo on December 23 1999, (the emperors birthday). See what happens when Japanese corporate colossus NTT (working through their public Museum the ICC) use their muscle to get permits for explosives, flame-throwers, and the Pitching Machine to operate in downtown Tokyo!!
Release Date: Friday, February 4 2000
25 years ago
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Portrait of Mark PaulineMark PaulineMark Pauline was >> in The Arbitrary Calculation of Pathological Amusements
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Dave ScardinaDave ScardinaDave Scardina was >> in The Arbitrary Calculation of Pathological Amusements as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alan KelleyAlan KelleyAlan Kelley was >> in The Arbitrary Calculation of Pathological Amusements as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday