Poster of Prince Oleg

Prince Oleg

Plot: In the ninth century, after the fall of Rome, the Viking raids, economic devastation and intercine warfare between rival tribes, a young prince Oleg comes into throne. Possessing charisma, prescience, and great military gifts he unites the fragmented principalities into a single state and establishes the rule of law, returning the land to prosperity
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Vladimir YaglychVladimir YaglychVladimir Yaglych may be 42+ in Prince Oleg
Birthday: Fri, Jan 14 1983
Portrait of Danila YakushevDanila YakushevDanila Yakushev may be 39+ in Prince Oleg
Birthday: Fri, Jan 03 1986
Portrait of Ieva AndrejevaitėIeva AndrejevaitėIeva Andrejevaitė may be 36+ in Prince Oleg
Birthday: Mon, Nov 21 1988


Portrait of Klim ShipenkoKlim ShipenkoKlim Shipenko may be 41+ in Prince Oleg as 'Director'
Birthday: Thu, Jun 16 1983