Poster of Smród


Plot: A wino bumps into a 25-year-old man waiting at the train station. This accidental encounter turns into an escalating conflict and eventually the young man runs and hides in a public toilet
Release Date: Monday, January 2 1995
30 years ago
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Portrait of Igor BartosikIgor BartosikIgor Bartosik was >> in Smród
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stanisław SobolaStanisław SobolaStanisław Sobola was >> in Smród
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel OlbrychskiDaniel OlbrychskiDaniel Olbrychski was 49 in Smród
Birthday: Tue, Feb 27 1945
Portrait of Grażyna TorbickaGrażyna TorbickaGrażyna Torbicka was 35 in Smród
Birthday: Sun, May 24 1959


Portrait of Artur UrbańskiArtur UrbańskiArtur Urbański was 29 in Smród as 'Writer, Director'
Birthday: Thu, May 20 1965