Poster of Dawning


Plot: An unsuspecting family faces an unknown threat after taking a trip to their secluded cottage, and encountering a frenzied stranger who claims they are under attack from a powerful force of evil. Venturing deep into the Northern Minnesota wilderness for a quiet getaway with their father and step- mother, two grown siblings realize that something is terribly wrong when the family dog is brutally killed
Release Date: Monday, June 8 2009
15 years ago
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Portrait of Najarra TownsendNajarra Townsend
Najarra Townsend was
19 in Dawning
as 'Aurora'.
Tue, Dec 05 1989
Portrait of Jonas GoslowJonas Goslow
Jonas Goslow was
>> in Dawning
as 'Chris'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David CoralDavid Coral
David Coral was
>> in Dawning
as 'Richard'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christine Kellogg-DarrinChristine Kellogg-Darrin
Christine Kellogg-Darrin was
>> in Dawning
as 'Laura'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel Jay SalmenDaniel Jay Salmen
Daniel Jay Salmen was
>> in Dawning
as 'The Man'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Gregg HoltgreweGregg Holtgrewe
Gregg Holtgrewe was
>> in Dawning
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Brian ClementBrian Clement
Brian Clement was
>> in Dawning
as 'Gaffer'
Unknown Birthday