Poster of Locked Lips

Locked Lips

Plot: Upon returning home from school one day, Lotus Blossom, a Japanese orphan who lives on the island of Hilo in Hawaii and teaches at a native school, discovers Parker, nearly dead from hunger. Believing his story of a shipwreck, Lotus nurses him back to health and then, mistaking loneliness for love, agrees to marry her patient
Release Date: Wednesday, April 28 1920
104 years ago
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Portrait of Tsuru AokiTsuru Aoki
Tsuru Aoki was
27 in Locked Lips
Fri, Sep 09 1892 –
Wed, Oct 18 1961
Portrait of Stanhope WheatcroftStanhope Wheatcroft
Stanhope Wheatcroft was
31 in Locked Lips
Thu, May 10 1888 –
Sun, Feb 13 1966
Portrait of Magda LaneMagda Lane
Magda Lane was
23 in Locked Lips
Fri, May 22 1896


Portrait of William C. DowlanWilliam C. Dowlan
William C. Dowlan was
37 in Locked Lips
as 'Director'
Thu, Sep 21 1882 –
Thu, Nov 06 1947
Portrait of Violet ClarkViolet Clark
Violet Clark was
>> in Locked Lips
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Clifford HowardClifford Howard
Clifford Howard was
>> in Locked Lips
as 'Story'
Unknown Birthday