Poster of Robot Princess from Planet-X

Robot Princess from Planet-X

Plot: In the far reaches of outer space, on a distant world known only as Planet-X, lives a race of beings, so highly advanced, they have successfully merged man and machine into one. They call themselves Humatrons, and on Planet-X, every Humatron is created with meaning, and purpose
Release Date: Friday, October 13 2023
1 year ago
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Portrait of Lindsey BeanLindsey Bean
Lindsey Bean was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'The Robot Princess'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mister LoboMister Lobo
Mister Lobo was
52 in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'The Computer (voice)'.
Wed, Nov 11 1970
Portrait of Tom Patrick PropofskyTom Patrick Propofsky
Tom Patrick Propofsky was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'The Robot King'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gabe RiosGabe Rios
Gabe Rios was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'The Scavenger'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of De' Tray WadeDe' Tray Wade
De' Tray Wade was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'The Space Ranger'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Chris R. NotarileChris R. Notarile
Chris R. Notarile was
40 in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Director, Writer, Cinematography, Editor'
Tue, Oct 26 1982
Portrait of Aaron HermanAaron Herman
Aaron Herman was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Justin JackJustin Jack
Justin Jack was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Don ManiglyDon Manigly
Don Manigly was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tiffany NaveTiffany Nave
Tiffany Nave was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jorge AguilarJorge Aguilar
Jorge Aguilar was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David CampitiDavid Campiti
David Campiti was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John O'DonnellJohn O'Donnell
John O'Donnell was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roger O'DonnellRoger O'Donnell
Roger O'Donnell was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Segun Olu OlusanyaSegun Olu Olusanya
Segun Olu Olusanya was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of A.J. ZylaA.J. Zyla
A.J. Zyla was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Xander ZylaXander Zyla
Xander Zyla was
>> in Robot Princess from Planet-X
as 'Associate Producer'
Unknown Birthday