Poster of Cliché Resistance

Cliché Resistance

Plot: Youths gathered to shoot horror movies on haunted sets. During rehearsals, ghosts play pranks, and the director and staff try to beat the ghost by breaking the obvious cliche of the horror movie
Release Date: Thursday, July 21 2016
8 years ago
Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Choi Yun-laChoi Yun-laChoi Yun-la was 24 in Cliché Resistance as 'Yu-ra'.
Birthday: Fri, Jun 26 1992
Portrait of Park Min-gyuPark Min-gyuPark Min-gyu was >> in Cliché Resistance as 'Kyu-hwan'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Lee Won-geunLee Won-geunLee Won-geun was >> in Cliché Resistance as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bang Sung-junBang Sung-junBang Sung-jun was >> in Cliché Resistance as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday