Poster of Battlefield: Fall of The World

Battlefield: Fall of The World

Plot: Earth has completely succumbed to an alien invasion, and the planet, which was once everyone's home, has become a hell. To stop the monsters from invading, the guard troops formed by different countries have disregarded their personal safety to defend what is left
Release Date: Friday, September 9 2022
2 years ago
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Portrait of Ren TianyeRen Tianye
Ren Tianye was
52 in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Gaoxi'.
Thu, Jul 02 1970
Portrait of Zhang ZhiluZhang Zhilu
Zhang Zhilu was
30 in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Cheng Ling'.
Sun, Jun 21 1992
Portrait of Choenyi TseringChoenyi Tsering
Choenyi Tsering was
36 in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Dorje Pam'.
Thu, May 15 1986
Portrait of He ZhuoenHe Zhuoen
He Zhuoen was
>> in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Female bandit'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Liu JianweiLiu Jianwei
Liu Jianwei was
>> in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Middle-aged scavenger'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alexandre RobillardAlexandre Robillard
Alexandre Robillard was
>> in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'General Mackay'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Huang ZhaoshengHuang Zhaosheng
Huang Zhaosheng was
>> in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dada HuangDada Huang
Dada Huang was
>> in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Zhang JingZhang Jing
Zhang Jing was
>> in Battlefield: Fall of The World
as 'Makeup Designer'
Unknown Birthday