Poster of Refuge


Plot: A post-apocalyptic thriller set in the ruins of a collapsed America, Refuge follows a family’s struggle to survive and rebuild a life in the absence of civilization. In the wake of a catastrophic plague, the family lives a lonely existence, struggling to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst a lawless world of roaming gangs and dwindling resources
Release Date: Friday, March 22 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Sebastian BeaconSebastian Beacon
Sebastian Beacon was
>> in Refuge
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chris KiesChris Kies
Chris Kies was
>> in Refuge
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carter RoyCarter Roy
Carter Roy was
>> in Refuge
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Amy RutbergAmy Rutberg
Amy Rutberg was
31 in Refuge
as 'Nell'.
Wed, Nov 11 1981
Portrait of Eva Grace KellnerEva Grace Kellner
Eva Grace Kellner was
>> in Refuge
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Travis GrantTravis Grant
Travis Grant was
25 in Refuge
as 'Rez'.
Fri, Jan 29 1988


Portrait of Andrew RobertsonAndrew Robertson
Andrew Robertson was
>> in Refuge
as 'Screenplay, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lilly KansoLilly Kanso
Lilly Kanso was
>> in Refuge
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday