Poster of Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps

Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps

Plot: 1975, Swiss Alps: In a remote mountain village, a beautiful and mysterious woman shows up. Only the village policeman takes care of the strange woman and tries to find out who she is
Release Date: Thursday, September 23 2010
14 years ago
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Portrait of Roxane MesquidaRoxane Mesquida
Roxane Mesquida was
28 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Sennentuntschi'.
Thu, Oct 01 1981
Portrait of Nicholas OfczarekNicholas Ofczarek
Nicholas Ofczarek was
39 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Sebastian Reusch'.
Sun, May 30 1971
Portrait of Andrea ZoggAndrea Zogg
Andrea Zogg was
52 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Erwin'.
Tue, Nov 26 1957
Portrait of Carlos LealCarlos Leal
Carlos Leal was
41 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Martin'.
Wed, Jul 09 1969
Portrait of Joel BasmanJoel Basman
Joel Basman was
20 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Albert'.
Tue, Jan 23 1990
Portrait of Rebecca IndermaurRebecca Indermaur
Rebecca Indermaur was
34 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Theres Notter'.
Thu, Jan 01 1976
Portrait of Ueli JäggiUeli Jäggi
Ueli Jäggi was
55 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Pfarrer Salis'.
Fri, Oct 08 1954
Portrait of Peter JecklinPeter Jecklin
Peter Jecklin was
54 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Dr. Zingg'.
Tue, Oct 25 1955
Portrait of Daniel RohrDaniel Rohr
Daniel Rohr was
50 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Stähli'.
Mon, Aug 22 1960
Portrait of Paula MarijaPaula Marija
Paula Marija was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Bibi/Maria'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alice BlaserAlice Blaser
Alice Blaser was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Bibi/Maria'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Herbert LeiserHerbert Leiser
Herbert Leiser was
69 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Matter'.
Tue, Jun 17 1941
Portrait of Luciano SimioniLuciano Simioni
Luciano Simioni was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Bäcker Studer'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Birgit C. KrammerBirgit C. Krammer
Birgit C. Krammer was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Birgit/Mutter Bibi'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark KuhnMark Kuhn
Mark Kuhn was
51 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Kommissar'.
Sun, Feb 08 1959
Portrait of Stéphanie BergerStéphanie Berger
Stéphanie Berger was
32 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Gerichtsmedizinerin'.
Thu, Nov 10 1977
Portrait of Annamarie Sievi-NiggAnnamarie Sievi-Nigg
Annamarie Sievi-Nigg was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Grossmutter Lisbeth'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thomas LandlThomas Landl
Thomas Landl was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Pfleger'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kaspar WeissKaspar Weiss
Kaspar Weiss was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Messmer'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lorenz NuferLorenz Nufer
Lorenz Nufer was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Junger Salis'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sandra GintzbergerSandra Gintzberger
Sandra Gintzberger was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Junge Sennentuntschi'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Claudio ZuccoliniClaudio Zuccolini
Claudio Zuccolini was
40 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Postbeamter'.
Thu, Sep 03 1970
Portrait of Leonardo NigroLeonardo Nigro
Leonardo Nigro was
36 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Tönz'.
Fri, Feb 15 1974
Portrait of Hanspeter MüllerHanspeter Müller
Hanspeter Müller was
55 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Notter'.
Wed, Sep 21 1955
Portrait of Florian NussbaumerFlorian Nussbaumer
Florian Nussbaumer was
37 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Polizist'.
Mon, Jan 22 1973


Portrait of Michael SteinerMichael Steiner
Michael Steiner was
41 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Sat, Aug 30 1969
Portrait of Pascal WalderPascal Walder
Pascal Walder was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael SauterMichael Sauter
Michael Sauter was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephanie JappStephanie Japp
Stephanie Japp was
38 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Screenplay'
Tue, May 23 1972
Portrait of Bernd BurgenerBernd Burgener
Bernd Burgener was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bruno SeemannBruno Seemann
Bruno Seemann was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benjamin FueterBenjamin Fueter
Benjamin Fueter was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ueli ChristenUeli Christen
Ueli Christen was
48 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Editor'
Sat, Apr 21 1962
Portrait of Magda HabernickelMagda Habernickel
Magda Habernickel was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guido HelblingGuido Helbling
Guido Helbling was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Adrian FrutigerAdrian Frutiger
Adrian Frutiger was
39 in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Original Music Composer'
Sat, Jan 30 1971
Portrait of Marina AebiMarina Aebi
Marina Aebi was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Makeup Artist'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gerald DamovskyGerald Damovsky
Gerald Damovsky was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marc HollensteinMarc Hollenstein
Marc Hollenstein was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Makeup Artist'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pascale SuterPascale Suter
Pascale Suter was
>> in Sennentuntschi: Curse of the Alps
as 'Costume Design'
Unknown Birthday