Poster of Above the Clouds

Above the Clouds

Plot: A 15-year-old boy goes on a hiking trip with his estranged grandfather, and overcomes the grief of losing his parents on a mountain above the clouds.
Release Date: Monday, October 27 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Ruru MadridRuru Madrid
Ruru Madrid was
16 in Above the Clouds
Thu, Dec 04 1997
Portrait of Pepe SmithPepe Smith
Pepe Smith was
>> in Above the Clouds
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Pepe DioknoPepe Diokno
Pepe Diokno was
27 in Above the Clouds
as 'Director, Writer, Producer'
Thu, Aug 13 1987
Portrait of Bianca BalbuenaBianca Balbuena
Bianca Balbuena was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Philippe AvrilPhilippe Avril
Philippe Avril was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tonee AcejoTonee Acejo
Tonee Acejo was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Line Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Harlene BautistaHarlene Bautista
Harlene Bautista was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jose Mari AbacanJose Mari Abacan
Jose Mari Abacan was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lawrence S. AngLawrence S. Ang
Lawrence S. Ang was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gisèle Rapp-MeichlerGisèle Rapp-Meichler
Gisèle Rapp-Meichler was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Johann MendozaJohann Mendoza
Johann Mendoza was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roman DymnyRoman Dymny
Roman Dymny was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Sound Designer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anthony CincoAnthony Cinco
Anthony Cinco was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Casting'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benjamin PaderoBenjamin Padero
Benjamin Padero was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carlo TabijeCarlo Tabije
Carlo Tabije was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Orlean Joseph TanOrlean Joseph Tan
Orlean Joseph Tan was
>> in Above the Clouds
as 'Visual Effects'
Unknown Birthday