Poster of In the Land of Merry Misfits

In the Land of Merry Misfits

Plot: A naive young man takes a wrong turn through a mystical tunnel and lands in a fable-like universe where he is forced to assist a whimsical group of misfits in their quest to capture "The Grail of Popularity. "
Release Date: Sunday, April 1 2007
17 years ago
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Portrait of Bob BacklundBob BacklundBob Backlund was 57 in In the Land of Merry Misfits as 'Friar Chuck'.
Birthday: Sun, Aug 14 1949
Portrait of Fred BerryFred BerryFred Berry would have been no older than 52 in In the Land of Merry Misfits as 'Self'.
Birthday: Mon, Mar 19 1951 –
Tue, Oct 21 2003


Portrait of Keven UndergaroKeven UndergaroKeven Undergaro was >> in In the Land of Merry Misfits as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Keven UndergaroKeven UndergaroKeven Undergaro was >> in In the Land of Merry Misfits as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday