Poster of India In a Day

India In a Day

Plot: Directed by Richie Mehta, executive produced by Ridley Scott and powered by Google, India in a Day is a new form of non-fiction filmmaking that uses footage shot by millions of people in India on one single day to assemble a lyrical portrait of modern India.
Release Date: Friday, September 9 2016
8 years ago
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Portrait of Richie MehtaRichie Mehta
Richie Mehta was
>> in India In a Day
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Anurag KashyapAnurag Kashyap
Anurag Kashyap was
43 in India In a Day
as 'Executive Producer'
Sun, Sep 10 1972
Portrait of Ridley ScottRidley Scott
Ridley Scott was
78 in India In a Day
as 'Executive Producer'
Tue, Nov 30 1937
Portrait of Beverley MillsBeverley Mills
Beverley Mills was
>> in India In a Day
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday