Poster of Bart en de steen die terug naar huis ging

Bart en de steen die terug naar huis ging

Plot: When artist Bart Eysink Smeets decides to bring a hunebed stone from Borger back home (Scandinavia), man's meddlesome towards nature is magnified in a light and humorous way. Are the residents of Borger willing to let go of the stone? Who actually owns the stone and what does the stone itself think?
Release Date: Monday, November 16 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Bart Eysink SmeetsBart Eysink SmeetsBart Eysink Smeets was >> in Bart en de steen die terug naar huis ging as 'Self'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Bart Eysink SmeetsBart Eysink SmeetsBart Eysink Smeets was >> in Bart en de steen die terug naar huis ging as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday