Plot: The puppet film Mashkin Killed Koshkin, based on the short story of the same name by Daniil Kharms, is a small, absurd story of two heroes who personify the essence of the so-called "Russian soul".
Release Date:
Thursday, November 11 1999 25 years ago
Aurel KlimtAurel Klimt was 27 in Mashkin kills Koshkin as 'Screenplay, Editor, Director of Photography, Production Design, Art Direction, Animation, Title Designer, Director'
Birthday: Sun, Aug 06 1972
Ivo ŠpaljIvo Špalj was 59 in Mashkin kills Koshkin as 'Sound'
Birthday: Mon, Feb 19 1940
Daniil KharmsDaniil Kharms would have been no older than 36 in Mashkin kills Koshkin as 'Short Story'
Birthday: Sat, Dec 30 1905 – Mon, Feb 02 1942
Jiří KlenkaJiří Klenka was 27 in Mashkin kills Koshkin as 'Sound'