Poster of The Elephant Vanishes

The Elephant Vanishes

Plot: Adapted from Haruki Murakami's short stories, The Elephant Vanishes reveals a strange and beautiful world lurking beneath the surface of Tokyo's bright bustle. The Elephant Vanishes was performed in Japanese by an all-Japanese cast
Release Date: Saturday, June 7 2003
21 years ago
Scroll to Crew


Portrait of Mitsuru FukikoshiMitsuru Fukikoshi
Mitsuru Fukikoshi was
38 in The Elephant Vanishes
Wed, Feb 17 1965
Portrait of Atsuko TakaizumiAtsuko Takaizumi
Atsuko Takaizumi was
>> in The Elephant Vanishes
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Yuko MiyamotoYuko Miyamoto
Yuko Miyamoto was
34 in The Elephant Vanishes
Fri, Mar 28 1969
Portrait of Masato SakaiMasato Sakai
Masato Sakai was
29 in The Elephant Vanishes
Sun, Oct 14 1973


Portrait of Simon McBurneySimon McBurney
Simon McBurney was
45 in The Elephant Vanishes
as 'Director'
Sun, Aug 25 1957
Portrait of Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami
Haruki Murakami was
54 in The Elephant Vanishes
as 'Novel'
Wed, Jan 12 1949